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How to use the SWR meter?

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Ремонт аппаратуры (схемы, справочники, документация)
Power supply 0 ... 30 V
Power supply for imported transceiver
Adjustable power supply (Imax=1,5А)
Power supply 13.8 Volts
Low-frequency compressor, AGC
A simple microphone amplifier
The microphone amplifier
The microphone amplifier with a compressor
A simple microphone amplifier with a low-pass filter
The microphone amplifier LM 833
Selection of diode for balanced mixers
Variable-frequency crystal
Crystal oscillator continuously tunable frequency
Crystal oscillator
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Connect the cable to the antenna and the other end to the SWR meter, socket "ANT", connector SWR "TRANS" connect the radio to the antenna connector. 
      Turn on the radio and set the frequency at which we can make SWR measurements. 
      If there is a switch SWR / PWR switch into position SWR. 
      The switch on the SWR meter "FWD / REF" position FWD.  Click on the transmission of the radio station and set the knob sticking out of the SWR meter arrow on the end of the scale. Let go of it. 
     Set the switch "FWD / REF" position REF
     Click on the transmission and reckon on the indicator reading SWR. On most SWR meters less than the less stray arrow SWR, if not deviate at all, the VSWR = 1, or the device is dead.
     If at all frequencies in the position REF arrow is rejected, or if you connected the antenna instead of a good dummy load, or the device is defective.


Hams useful circuits 2 (1999г.)